
The error response object will contain information about the nature of the error.

  "message": "Access token expired.",
  "errorCode": "tokenExpired",
HTTP CodeError CodeError Message
400validationFailedValidation failed, please modify your request and try again.
401tokenExpiredAccess token expired.
401missingAuthorizationAccess token is missing or invalid.
403notAuthorizedRequest not authorized.
404notFoundResource not found, please validate the requested unique identifier.
500serverErrorAn error has occurred, please try your request again or contact support.

In the case of validation errors, the error object may also contain a fieldErrors array with details about specific fields which did not pass validation. Fields will be specified in JSONPath notation.

  "message": "Validation failed, please modify your request and try again.",
  "errorCode": "validationFailed",
  "fieldErrors": [
      "message": "First name is required",
      "errorCode": "required",
      "field": "$.applicant.firstName"
Field Error CodeFieldError Message
required$.applicant.firstNameFirst name is required.