JUMP TOGetting StartedIntroductionAPI FormatJSONHTTP VerbsErrorsHTTP CodesResponsesRate LimitsInternationalization (i8n)Accounts ApiAccountsRetrieves the account details. When using the Easy API with Prequalification the Account Number is returned in the response referential linkinggetHealth/HealthgetEasy APIHybrid Integration EnvironmentsHybrid Integration AuthenticationApplicationBegins the customer's journey through our Easy Application Process.postPeeks the token and ensures that it is valid and the token has not been expired.postEndpoint for lookup by email and lastname.postResends the application link to the applicantgetEasy API Test DataHealth/HealthgetFull IntegrationEnvironmentsAuthenticationApplicationsCreate a new applicationpostList applicationsgetGet an existing applicationgetUpdate an existing applicationpatchGet agreement PDFgetSubmit to underwritingpostE-sign agreementpostEmail agreementpostActivate agreementpostList application commentsgetCancels an applicationpostGet NOAA PDFgetAddendumsCreate a new addendumpostE-sign addendumpostPayment MethodsCreate a new payment methodpostList application payment methodsgetUpdate an existing payment methodpatchDelete an existing payment methoddeletePartner ApplicationsCreate a new applicationpostList provider applicationsgetCreate a new applicationpostCalculated TermsGet calculated finance termsgetprovider-settingsList provider servicesgetGet provider settingsgetfinance-offersGet available finance offers for patientpostGet finance offer selected by patientgetSet finance offer selected by patientpostPowered by /Healthget https://sandbox-api.gohfd.com/acct/v0/Health